Instructor, Duke Kunshan University
- INFOSCI 103: Computation, Society and Culture
- MEDIA 201: New Media and Society
- MEDIA 207: Cultures of New Media
- MEDIART 208: Chinese Mass Media
- MEDIART 208: Comparative Media Systems and Chinese Mass Media
- MEDIART 307: International Communication
- MEDIART401: Campaigns and Marketing
- SOSC 314: Computational Social Science
- INDSTU 391: Independent Study
- CAPST 495: Signature Work Capstone I
- CAPST 496: Signature Work Capstone II
Instructor, Technische Universität Berlin
- China’s Rising Role in Global Communication (Spring 2021)
Instructor, University of Michigan
- COMM 322: Faculty Directed Undergraduate Research
- COMM 408: Big Data, Social Media, and Politics
Graduate Student Instructor (GSI), University of Michigan
- COMM 102: Media Processes and Effects
- COMM 221: Quantitative Skills for Communication Studies
- COMM 307: Social Networks
- COMM 380: Persuasion, Communication and Campaigns
Guest Lecturer
- International Communication, Université Paris Nanterre (Fall
- Transformations in the Digital Society, University of Groningen
(Fall 2020)
- COMM 466 Global Digital Politics, University of Michigan (Winter
- POLSCI 389 China’s Rising Global Role, University of Michigan
(Winter 2020)
- Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP), University of
Michigan (Winter 2017)